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Весь контент пользователя hurma
DIY 6-Канальный контроллер LED c тач-панелью "3.2"
hurma ответил на тему форума автора svyaz в Самодельные LED светильники
Каким-то чудом часы заработали. Пришол днем дамой в аквариуме ночь. Думал что все, сгорело. А потом глядь на экран а на часах 4 ночи. Настроил, теперь есть и расвет и закат. Правда только 2 группы ледов работают. С этим буду потом возиться. -
DIY 6-Канальный контроллер LED c тач-панелью "3.2"
hurma ответил на тему форума автора svyaz в Самодельные LED светильники
Это все сделал с самого начала. В итоге часы не идут и раб. Только 2 канала. На данном этапе просто переставлял время утром и вечером. Уже желею про всю эту затею. Надо было просто кинуть 18 лед на драйвера+таймер. -
DIY 6-Канальный контроллер LED c тач-панелью "3.2"
hurma ответил на тему форума автора svyaz в Самодельные LED светильники
Скетч ваш Jarduino_V1_3_Oleg_mod_2013.07.15 стандарт шилд. Подключал так: -
DIY 6-Канальный контроллер LED c тач-панелью "3.2"
hurma ответил на тему форума автора svyaz в Самодельные LED светильники
Все собрал но не так как хотелось бы. Почему то работает только 2 канала из 6ти. Моли ли по гореть драйвера на LEDSEEDUINO? Часы конкретно отстают (на час). В чем может быть проблема? -
Лед светильник для аквариума 63л
hurma ответил на тему форума автора Эрик89 в Самодельные LED светильники
...) спасибо, на скорую руку делал... Так больше добовлять не надо? А то я видел некоторые Uv ставят 1:1 к Royal. Еще хотел спросить. Луну делают на отдельном драйвере шим? И какие леды брать? Взял 4 по 1W но вроде не то. -
Лед светильник для аквариума 63л
hurma ответил на тему форума автора Эрик89 в Самодельные LED светильники
Добрый вечер. Не знал куда написать, но всеже: Банка у меня 55л Делаю светильник на Arduino 6каналов + луна. Вначале поставил около 30 СД по 3W. Почитал немного, понял что как-то дохре... ) Теперь думаю, сколько ж надо? Накидал примерную схемку: Пойдет ли так? ЛЕДы: . Сree Royal blue XT-E 450-452nl 6шт 3W . Сree Cold white XT-E 6500-7000К 4шт 3W . Сree Blue XP-E 4 шт 3W . Сree MC-E RGBW 2 шт 4×3W . EPILED UV/Ultra-Violet 2шт 3W Может что то поменять или добавить? -
DIY 6-Канальный контроллер LED c тач-панелью "3.2"
hurma ответил на тему форума автора svyaz в Самодельные LED светильники
на скетче от Олега все заработало с первого раза. -
DIY 6-Канальный контроллер LED c тач-панелью "3.2"
hurma ответил на тему форума автора svyaz в Самодельные LED светильники
Большое человеческое спасибо за помощь и потраченое время. Тачь пока не воскрес. Калебровка проходит и на этом все. Завтра еще пошаманю. -
DIY 6-Канальный контроллер LED c тач-панелью "3.2"
hurma ответил на тему форума автора svyaz в Самодельные LED светильники
Я купил сегодня себе на 55л 5шт 1W думаю нормально будет. -
DIY 6-Канальный контроллер LED c тач-панелью "3.2"
hurma ответил на тему форума автора svyaz в Самодельные LED светильники
не могу не как включить Skype на W8.1 уже мин 40 подтверждаю мыло и все не как. 456 020 609 9y67gn зашёл в скайп через добавьте меня hurmakid -
DIY 6-Канальный контроллер LED c тач-панелью "3.2"
hurma ответил на тему форума автора svyaz в Самодельные LED светильники
Доброе утро. минуточку скачаю скайп, а то только недавно винду поставил. -
DIY 6-Канальный контроллер LED c тач-панелью "3.2"
hurma ответил на тему форума автора svyaz в Самодельные LED светильники
Ок... спасибо утром скину смс. Вот только утро у вас во сколько начинается? Я буду на ногах с 7.00 Еще пару вопросов: -у меня 6 каналов через Arduino 6 channel pwm high power led shield 0,35-0,7-1A Хочу сделать луну отдельно какие led и драйвера посоветуете? - и есть два кулера 5v (достал с подставки под ноут и там только + и -) их можно питать на прямую от меги? И подойдут ли они? -
DIY 6-Канальный контроллер LED c тач-панелью "3.2"
hurma ответил на тему форума автора svyaz в Самодельные LED светильники
"" В данный момент с тел. сижу. Еду с работы дома буду только через часа 2. Как приеду установлю и скину смс если не будите спать. Если что завтра могу сделать. Утром или уже вечером. ""Ссылка на библиотеку, адаптированную к новому IDE, сам не пробовал еще http://www.henningka...hp?f=DS1307.rar"" Буду дома попробую Большое всем спасибо за помощь и понимание. -
DIY 6-Канальный контроллер LED c тач-панелью "3.2"
hurma ответил на тему форума автора svyaz в Самодельные LED светильники
Ну вы написали: ""PS Без корректировок компилируется только в IDE версии меньше 1.0"" Я чего то и вбил себе в голову.... просто уже крышу сносит. А нетерпеливый, потому что всего 2 выходных, а завтра еще и в загс заявление подавать. Если буду и завтра пол дня возиться с контролером то не доживу до окончания светильника. -
DIY 6-Канальный контроллер LED c тач-панелью "3.2"
hurma ответил на тему форума автора svyaz в Самодельные LED светильники
""А SimpeTimer в libraries положил?"" Блин. Тут я походу и тупанул. В первом варианте точно ложил, а вот потом тупо кинул только то что мне ireef скинул. -
DIY 6-Канальный контроллер LED c тач-панелью "3.2"
hurma ответил на тему форума автора svyaz в Самодельные LED светильники
скачал Arduino IDE 0.2.2 скачал все файлы библиотеки файлы скинул в С:\arduino-0022\libraries Jarduino_mod скинул в С:\arduino-0022\Jarduino_mod в Arduino IDE 0.2.2 запустил EEPROMClear после запустил файл Jarduino_mod.pde потом нажал Upload выскочило что то новое -
DIY 6-Канальный контроллер LED c тач-панелью "3.2"
hurma ответил на тему форума автора svyaz в Самодельные LED светильники
То есть попробовать более старую программу? сейчас попробую на 1.0.3. Попробовал Arduino IDE 1.0.3 тоже самое, сейчас попробую 1.0.0 -
DIY 6-Канальный контроллер LED c тач-панелью "3.2"
hurma ответил на тему форума автора svyaz в Самодельные LED светильники
Вот полностью вся программа -
DIY 6-Канальный контроллер LED c тач-панелью "3.2"
hurma ответил на тему форума автора svyaz в Самодельные LED светильники
У меня вот эта библиотека и все равно на часах ругается. libraries.rar -
DIY 6-Канальный контроллер LED c тач-панелью "3.2"
hurma ответил на тему форума автора svyaz в Самодельные LED светильники
Arduino 1.0.5 качал с офф сайта может надо другой компилятор? Можете скинуть на почту ( одним орхидеи всю вашу папку Arduino. А то я уже мозг сломал. Пробывал скачать "Jarduino v1.2 (beta1 release) + Arduino IDE 1.0 Patched + all the necessary libraries" и закинуть туда этот скетч. Не чего не изменилось хотя там вроде все библиотеки должны быть. И какой у вас шилд? У меня версия 2.2. , может не подходит. -
DIY 6-Канальный контроллер LED c тач-панелью "3.2"
hurma ответил на тему форума автора svyaz в Самодельные LED светильники
Не чего не виходит...((( пробивал добавить библиотеку DS1307 с другого скетча в папку либерти не чего не поменялось... -
DIY 6-Канальный контроллер LED c тач-панелью "3.2"
hurma ответил на тему форума автора svyaz в Самодельные LED светильники
установил arduino-1.0.5-r2-windows распаковал libraries(3).rar в C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries распаковал Jarduino_mod(2).rar в C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\ Jarduino_mod запустил Jarduino_mod.ino\ вибело ок, открылось нажал Upload, ошибка я понимаю что то с часами ( подключены правельно +5, земля, пин 20, пин 21) что не так? -
DIY 6-Канальный контроллер LED c тач-панелью "3.2"
hurma ответил на тему форума автора svyaz в Самодельные LED светильники
Ура дочитал всю тему до конца...правда с телефона это заняло куда больше времени чем хотелось бы. Люды огромная прозьба выкинуть (скетч+все библиотеки по возможности маленькую инструкцию одним архивом) У меня шилд 2.2, как я понял спросом он не пользуется (видел только у кого то одного и теперь не могу найти). На шлейфе под экраном написано T32-1289 Очень по душе скетч от svyaz(#1451) и Олега ( #1184) Всем спасибо -
DIY 6-Канальный контроллер LED c тач-панелью "3.2"
hurma ответил на тему форума автора svyaz в Самодельные LED светильники
у меня на шлейфе под экраном написано T32-1289 это значит мне нужно прописывать ? UTFT myGLCD(ITDB32S, 38,39,40,41); -
DIY 6-Канальный контроллер LED c тач-панелью "3.2"
hurma ответил на тему форума автора svyaz в Самодельные LED светильники
arduino-0022-JarduinoPatch In file included from Jarduino_v1_1.pde:79: /writeAnything.h: In function 'int EEPROM_writeAnything(int, const T&)': writeAnything.h:3: error: expected initializer before '*' token writeAnything.h:6: error: 'p' was not declared in this scope /writeAnything.h: In function 'int EEPROM_readAnything(int, T&)': writeAnything.h:12: error: 'byte' was not declared in this scope writeAnything.h:12: error: 'p' was not declared in this scope writeAnything.h:12: error: expected primary-expression before ')' token writeAnything.h:12: error: expected primary-expression before 'void' Jarduino_v1_1.pde: At global scope: Jarduino_v1_1:92: error: 'ITDB02' does not name a type Jarduino_v1_1:93: error: 'ITDB02_Touch' does not name a type Jarduino_v1_1:125: error: 'OneWire' does not name a type Jarduino_v1_1:127: error: 'DallasTemperature' does not name a type Jarduino_v1_1:129: error: 'DeviceAddress' does not name a type Jarduino_v1_1:130: error: 'DeviceAddress' does not name a type Jarduino_v1_1:131: error: 'DeviceAddress' does not name a type Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void SaveRTC()': Jarduino_v1_1:663: error: 'RTC' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:664: error: 'DS1307_SEC' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:665: error: 'DS1307_MIN' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:666: error: 'DS1307_HR' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:668: error: 'DS1307_DATE' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:669: error: 'DS1307_MTH' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:670: error: 'DS1307_YR' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void TimeDateBar(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:692: error: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'const char*' Jarduino_v1_1:692: error: initializing argument 1 of 'String& String::operator=(const char*)' Jarduino_v1_1:694: error: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'const char*' Jarduino_v1_1:694: error: initializing argument 1 of 'String& String::operator=(const char*)' Jarduino_v1_1:711: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:738: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void checkTempC()': Jarduino_v1_1:924: error: 'sensors' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:926: error: 'waterThermometer' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:927: error: 'hoodThermometer' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:928: error: 'sumpThermometer' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void clearScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:1068: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void printButton(char*, int, int, int, int, boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:1078: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void printLedChangerP(char*, int, int, int, int, boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:1104: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void printLedChangerM(char*, int, int, int, int, boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:1131: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void printHeader(char*)': Jarduino_v1_1:1156: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1158: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void setFont(boolean, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte)': Jarduino_v1_1:1164: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void waitForIt(int, int, int, int)': Jarduino_v1_1:1175: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1177: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void waitForItSq(int, int, int, int)': Jarduino_v1_1:1187: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1189: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void drawBarGraph()': Jarduino_v1_1:1212: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void drawBarandColorValue()': Jarduino_v1_1:1246: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void ledChangerGadget()': Jarduino_v1_1:1267: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void TimeSaver(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:1314: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1327: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1355: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void screenSaver()': Jarduino_v1_1:1371: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1376: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void genSetSelect()': Jarduino_v1_1:1389: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1399: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1409: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1419: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1429: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1443: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1457: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1467: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1477: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1487: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1496: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void feedingTimeOnOff()': Jarduino_v1_1:1509: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1514: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1519: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1524: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1529: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1534: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1539: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1544: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1549: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void mainScreen(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:1567: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1575: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1603: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1621: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1639: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1657: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1675: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1693: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1711: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1724: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void screenReturn()': Jarduino_v1_1:1797: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void menuScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:1821: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void clockScreen(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:1848: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1878: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void timeChange()': Jarduino_v1_1:1915: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void timeCorrectFormat()': Jarduino_v1_1:1931: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void tempScreen(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:1991: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2008: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2020: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2020: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void ledTestOptionsScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2032: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void testArrayScreen(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:2049: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2066: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2079: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2089: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2104: error: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'const char*' Jarduino_v1_1:2104: error: initializing argument 1 of 'String& String::operator=(const char*)' Jarduino_v1_1:2105: error: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'const char*' Jarduino_v1_1:2105: error: initializing argument 1 of 'String& String::operator=(const char*)' Jarduino_v1_1:2106: error: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'const char*' Jarduino_v1_1:2106: error: initializing argument 1 of 'String& String::operator=(const char*)' Jarduino_v1_1:2110: error: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'const char*' Jarduino_v1_1:2110: error: initializing argument 1 of 'String& String::operator=(const char*)' Jarduino_v1_1:2113: error: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'const char*' Jarduino_v1_1:2113: error: initializing argument 1 of 'String& String::operator=(const char*)' Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void testIndLedScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2181: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void ledColorViewScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2264: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void ledValuesScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2353: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2353: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2374: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2386: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void ledChangeScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2412: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void WaveMakerButtons()': Jarduino_v1_1:2439: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void WaveMakerScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2455: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2462: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void viewWaveTimes()': Jarduino_v1_1:2471: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void WaveMakerStatusScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2486: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2494: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2511: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2536: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2574: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2605: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2620: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void WaveMakerSettingsScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2658: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2683: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void synchronousSynch()': Jarduino_v1_1:2707: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2721: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2739: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2759: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void viewWaveTimesPage()': Jarduino_v1_1:2775: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2777: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2780: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2782: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2784: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2786: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2788: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2790: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2792: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2795: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2797: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2799: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2801: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2803: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void waveModePlusMinus()': Jarduino_v1_1:2824: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2825: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2826: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2828: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2839: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2846: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2847: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2849: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2859: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2869: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2870: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2871: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2873: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2884: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2891: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2892: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2894: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2904: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void generalSettingsScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2916: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void autoFeederScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2942: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void feedingTimeOutput()': Jarduino_v1_1:3076: error: 'RTC' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3094: error: 'RTC' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3112: error: 'RTC' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3130: error: 'RTC' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void setFeederTimesScreen(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:3158: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void AboutScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:3189: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3189: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void processMyTouch()': Jarduino_v1_1:3215: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3752: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3755: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3756: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3757: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3763: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3792: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3797: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3800: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3801: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3802: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3808: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3937: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3937: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3948: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3948: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3995: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4024: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4036: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4120: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4288: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void setup()': Jarduino_v1_1:4449: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4449: error: 'LANDSCAPE' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4452: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4453: error: 'PREC_MEDIUM' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4455: error: 'sensors' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4457: error: 'waterThermometer' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4458: error: 'hoodThermometer' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4459: error: 'sumpThermometer' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4464: error: 'RTC' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void loop()': Jarduino_v1_1:4477: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4480: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4504: error: 'RTC' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1 Jarduino_v1_1.pde:41:27: error: writeAnything.h: No such file or directory Jarduino_v1_1.pde:45:242: error: Pump.h: No such file or directory Jarduino_v1_1.pde:46:28: error: EEPROMAnything.h: No such file or directory Jarduino_v1_1:61: error: 'ITDB02tf' does not name a type Jarduino_v1_1:63: error: 'ITDB02_Touch' does not name a type Jarduino_v1_1:197: error: 'OneWire' does not name a type Jarduino_v1_1:199: error: 'DallasTemperature' does not name a type Jarduino_v1_1:201: error: 'DeviceAddress' does not name a type Jarduino_v1_1:202: error: 'DeviceAddress' does not name a type Jarduino_v1_1:203: error: 'DeviceAddress' does not name a type Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void SaveMoonLEDToEEPROM()': Jarduino_v1_1:644: error: 'EEPROM_writeAnything' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void SaveWaveToEEPROM()': Jarduino_v1_1:657: error: 'EEPROM_writeAnything' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void SaveTempToEEPROM()': Jarduino_v1_1:666: error: 'EEPROM_writeAnything' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void SaveGenSetsToEEPROM()': Jarduino_v1_1:674: error: 'EEPROM_writeAnything' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void SaveFeedTimesToEEPROM()': Jarduino_v1_1:689: error: 'EEPROM_writeAnything' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void SaveTimerToEEPROM()': Jarduino_v1_1:708: error: 'EEPROM_writeAnything' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void ReadFromEEPROM()': Jarduino_v1_1:722: error: 'EEPROM_readAnything' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void ReadWeatherEEPROM()': Jarduino_v1_1:786: error: 'EEPROM_readAnything' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void SaveRTC()': Jarduino_v1_1:801: error: 'RTC' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:802: error: 'DS1307_SEC' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:803: error: 'DS1307_MIN' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:804: error: 'DS1307_HR' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:807: error: 'DS1307_DATE' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:808: error: 'DS1307_MTH' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:809: error: 'DS1307_YR' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void SaveWeatherEEPROM()': Jarduino_v1_1:827: error: 'EEPROM_writeAnything' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void TimeDateBar(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:838: error: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'const char*' Jarduino_v1_1:838: error: initializing argument 1 of 'String& String::operator=(const char*)' Jarduino_v1_1:840: error: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'const char*' Jarduino_v1_1:840: error: initializing argument 1 of 'String& String::operator=(const char*)' Jarduino_v1_1:849: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:879: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void checkTempC()': Jarduino_v1_1:1012: error: 'sensors' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1014: error: 'waterThermometer' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1015: error: 'hoodThermometer' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1016: error: 'sumpThermometer' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void clearScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:1125: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void printButton(char*, int, int, int, int, boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:1131: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void printLedChangerP(char*, int, int, int, int, boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:1148: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void printLedChangerM(char*, int, int, int, int, boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:1164: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void drawUpButton(int, int)': Jarduino_v1_1:1179: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void drawDownButton(int, int)': Jarduino_v1_1:1187: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void printButtonWth(char*, int, int, int, int, boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:1197: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void printHeader(char*)': Jarduino_v1_1:1209: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1211: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void setFont(boolean, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte)': Jarduino_v1_1:1214: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void waitForIt(int, int, int, int)': Jarduino_v1_1:1220: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1222: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void waitForItSq(int, int, int, int)': Jarduino_v1_1:1227: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1229: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void drawBarGraph()': Jarduino_v1_1:1239: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void drawBarandColorValue()': Jarduino_v1_1:1270: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void ledChangerGadget()': Jarduino_v1_1:1288: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void TimeSaver(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:1323: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1337: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1367: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void screenSaver()': Jarduino_v1_1:1397: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1398: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void genSetSelect()': Jarduino_v1_1:1404: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1413: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1423: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1432: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1442: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1455: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1469: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1478: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1488: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1497: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1506: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void feedingTimeOnOff()': Jarduino_v1_1:1515: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1520: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1525: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1530: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1535: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1540: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1545: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1550: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1554: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void mainScreen(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:1566: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1574: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1627: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1641: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1655: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1669: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1683: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1699: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1714: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1726: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void screenReturn()': Jarduino_v1_1:1783: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void menuScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:1796: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void clockScreen(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:1822: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1852: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void timeChange()': Jarduino_v1_1:1892: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void timeCorrectFormat()': Jarduino_v1_1:1908: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void tempScreen(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:1958: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1980: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1992: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1992: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void ledTestOptionsScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2002: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void testArrayScreen(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:2015: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2029: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2046: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2053: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2063: error: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'const char*' Jarduino_v1_1:2063: error: initializing argument 1 of 'String& String::operator=(const char*)' Jarduino_v1_1:2064: error: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'const char*' Jarduino_v1_1:2064: error: initializing argument 1 of 'String& String::operator=(const char*)' Jarduino_v1_1:2071: error: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'const char*' Jarduino_v1_1:2071: error: initializing argument 1 of 'String& String::operator=(const char*)' Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void testIndLedScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2126: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void ledColorViewScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2205: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void ledValuesScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2256: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2256: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2277: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2286: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void ledChangeScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2303: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void WaveMakerButtons()': Jarduino_v1_1:2324: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void WaveMakerScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2339: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2346: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void viewWaveTimes()': Jarduino_v1_1:2353: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void WaveMakerStatusScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2366: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2374: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2391: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2413: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2443: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2468: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2480: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void WaveMakerSettingsScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2501: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2525: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void synchronousSynch()': Jarduino_v1_1:2544: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2557: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2574: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2593: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void viewWaveTimesPage()': Jarduino_v1_1:2606: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2608: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2611: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2613: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2615: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2617: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2619: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2621: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2623: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2626: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2628: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2630: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2632: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2634: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void waveModePlusMinus()': Jarduino_v1_1:2650: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2651: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2652: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2654: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2663: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2668: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2669: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2671: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2679: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2684: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2685: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2686: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2688: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2696: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2700: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2701: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2703: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2710: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void generalSettingsScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2717: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void autoFeederScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2739: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void feedingTimeOutput()': Jarduino_v1_1:2867: error: 'RTC' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2882: error: 'RTC' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2894: error: 'RTC' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2906: error: 'RTC' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void setFeederTimesScreen(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:2923: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void timerScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2966: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void graficoScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2993: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void tempgScreen(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:3003: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3110: error: 'file' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3110: error: 'O_READ' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void orpScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:3132: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void phScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:3233: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void wthScreen(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:3345: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3408: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3410: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void timer1Screen(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:3492: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void timer2Screen(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:3590: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void timer3Screen(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:3631: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void dozer1Screen()': Jarduino_v1_1:3682: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void dozer2Screen()': Jarduino_v1_1:3749: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void dozer3Screen()': Jarduino_v1_1:3816: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void dozer4Screen()': Jarduino_v1_1:3883: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void logtempgraf()': Jarduino_v1_1:3949: error: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'const char*' Jarduino_v1_1:3949: error: initializing argument 1 of 'String& String::operator=(const char*)' Jarduino_v1_1:3950: error: 'file' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3950: error: 'O_CREAT' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3950: error: 'O_APPEND' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3950: error: 'O_WRITE' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void logparametros()': Jarduino_v1_1:3964: error: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'const char*' Jarduino_v1_1:3964: error: initializing argument 1 of 'String& String::operator=(const char*)' Jarduino_v1_1:3965: error: 'file' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3965: error: 'O_CREAT' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3965: error: 'O_APPEND' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3965: error: 'O_WRITE' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void processMyTouch()': Jarduino_v1_1:4074: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4405: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4408: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4409: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4410: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4416: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4440: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4445: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4448: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4449: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4450: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4456: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4517: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4521: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4529: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4533: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4554: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4576: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4582: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4625: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4696: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void setup()': Jarduino_v1_1:4927: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4927: error: 'LANDSCAPE' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4930: error: 'file' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4932: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4933: error: 'PREC_MEDIUM' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4935: error: 'sensors' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4937: error: 'waterThermometer' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4938: error: 'hoodThermometer' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4939: error: 'sumpThermometer' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4944: error: 'RTC' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void loop()': Jarduino_v1_1:4954: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4957: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4969: error: 'RTC' was not declared in this scope Новый точечный рисунок.bmp Новый точечный рисунок (2).bmp