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МОРСКОЙ АКВАРИУМ - форум Аква Лого

Пресноводные В аквариумистике используется относительно небольшое количество видов улиток. Чаще всего их наличие носит декоративный характер. Но, безусловно, улитки приносят и пользу. Прежде всего, эти труженики объедают низшие сорные водоросли, которые, создавая плёнку на стёклах и декорациях, портят внешний вид аквариума. Также улитки подъедают остатки корма, оставшиеся после обильного кормления, не давая портится воде.

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Весь контент пользователя emilyburger

  1. Hi I am Emily Burger and I am currently working as a blogger at Health Naturo. Health Naturo is the online site offering health tips to maintain mental and physical health. Health Naturo aims at forming healthy community by offering health advice and medications that helps top improve mental health issues and physical issues.

    As a blogger, I would say you to follow up your mental health issues and also physical health issues. This will help in keeping the brain active and alert. Health Naturo is an active site offering medications to keep a healthy lifestyle. Health Naturo is a one place that contains up with several numbers of writing with topics related to the health. Here I have been providing up with varieties and endless topics about the health. We being a human can find ourselves facing up with several up with different health issues at certain time period. Choosing up with the best can help in grabbing out the effectiveness in a faster motion. Following up with Health Naturo, everyone can follow in reading out with topics mentioned and help self with quick tips.


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