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Весь контент пользователя hurma

  1. Каким-то чудом часы заработали. Пришол днем дамой в аквариуме ночь. Думал что все, сгорело. А потом глядь на экран а на часах 4 ночи. Настроил, теперь есть и расвет и закат. Правда только 2 группы ледов работают. С этим буду потом возиться.
  2. Это все сделал с самого начала. В итоге часы не идут и раб. Только 2 канала. На данном этапе просто переставлял время утром и вечером. Уже желею про всю эту затею. Надо было просто кинуть 18 лед на драйвера+таймер.
  3. Скетч ваш Jarduino_V1_3_Oleg_mod_2013.07.15 стандарт шилд. Подключал так:
  4. Все собрал но не так как хотелось бы. Почему то работает только 2 канала из 6ти. Моли ли по гореть драйвера на LEDSEEDUINO? Часы конкретно отстают (на час). В чем может быть проблема?
  5. ...) спасибо, на скорую руку делал... Так больше добовлять не надо? А то я видел некоторые Uv ставят 1:1 к Royal. Еще хотел спросить. Луну делают на отдельном драйвере шим? И какие леды брать? Взял 4 по 1W но вроде не то.
  6. Добрый вечер. Не знал куда написать, но всеже: Банка у меня 55л Делаю светильник на Arduino 6каналов + луна. Вначале поставил около 30 СД по 3W. Почитал немного, понял что как-то дохре... ) Теперь думаю, сколько ж надо? Накидал примерную схемку: Пойдет ли так? ЛЕДы: . Сree Royal blue XT-E 450-452nl 6шт 3W . Сree Cold white XT-E 6500-7000К 4шт 3W . Сree Blue XP-E 4 шт 3W . Сree MC-E RGBW 2 шт 4×3W . EPILED UV/Ultra-Violet 2шт 3W Может что то поменять или добавить?
  7. на скетче от Олега все заработало с первого раза.
  8. Большое человеческое спасибо за помощь и потраченое время. Тачь пока не воскрес. Калебровка проходит и на этом все. Завтра еще пошаманю.
  9. Я купил сегодня себе на 55л 5шт 1W думаю нормально будет.
  10. не могу не как включить Skype на W8.1 уже мин 40 подтверждаю мыло и все не как. 456 020 609 9y67gn зашёл в скайп через plus.im добавьте меня hurmakid
  11. Доброе утро. минуточку скачаю скайп, а то только недавно винду поставил.
  12. Ок... спасибо утром скину смс. Вот только утро у вас во сколько начинается? Я буду на ногах с 7.00 Еще пару вопросов: -у меня 6 каналов через Arduino 6 channel pwm high power led shield 0,35-0,7-1A Хочу сделать луну отдельно какие led и драйвера посоветуете? - и есть два кулера 5v (достал с подставки под ноут и там только + и -) их можно питать на прямую от меги? И подойдут ли они?
  13. "" В данный момент с тел. сижу. Еду с работы дома буду только через часа 2. Как приеду установлю и скину смс если не будите спать. Если что завтра могу сделать. Утром или уже вечером. ""Ссылка на библиотеку, адаптированную к новому IDE, сам не пробовал еще http://www.henningka...hp?f=DS1307.rar"" Буду дома попробую Большое всем спасибо за помощь и понимание.
  14. Ну вы написали: ""PS Без корректировок компилируется только в IDE версии меньше 1.0"" Я чего то и вбил себе в голову.... просто уже крышу сносит. А нетерпеливый, потому что всего 2 выходных, а завтра еще и в загс заявление подавать. Если буду и завтра пол дня возиться с контролером то не доживу до окончания светильника.
  15. ""А SimpeTimer в libraries положил?"" Блин. Тут я походу и тупанул. В первом варианте точно ложил, а вот потом тупо кинул только то что мне ireef скинул.
  16. скачал Arduino IDE 0.2.2 скачал все файлы библиотеки файлы скинул в С:\arduino-0022\libraries Jarduino_mod скинул в С:\arduino-0022\Jarduino_mod в Arduino IDE 0.2.2 запустил EEPROMClear после запустил файл Jarduino_mod.pde потом нажал Upload выскочило что то новое
  17. То есть попробовать более старую программу? сейчас попробую на 1.0.3. Попробовал Arduino IDE 1.0.3 тоже самое, сейчас попробую 1.0.0
  18. Вот полностью вся программа https://yadi.sk/d/BU0sRWVjTBzFP
  19. У меня вот эта библиотека и все равно на часах ругается. libraries.rar
  20. Arduino 1.0.5 качал с офф сайта http://arduino.cc/en/main/software#toc2 может надо другой компилятор? Можете скинуть на почту (hurmakid@gmail.com) одним орхидеи всю вашу папку Arduino. А то я уже мозг сломал. Пробывал скачать "Jarduino v1.2 (beta1 release) + Arduino IDE 1.0 Patched + all the necessary libraries" и закинуть туда этот скетч. Не чего не изменилось хотя там вроде все библиотеки должны быть. И какой у вас шилд? У меня версия 2.2. , может не подходит.
  21. Не чего не виходит...((( пробивал добавить библиотеку DS1307 с другого скетча в папку либерти не чего не поменялось...
  22. установил arduino-1.0.5-r2-windows распаковал libraries(3).rar в C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries распаковал Jarduino_mod(2).rar в C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\ Jarduino_mod запустил Jarduino_mod.ino\ вибело ок, открылось нажал Upload, ошибка я понимаю что то с часами ( подключены правельно +5, земля, пин 20, пин 21) что не так?
  23. Ура дочитал всю тему до конца...правда с телефона это заняло куда больше времени чем хотелось бы. Люды огромная прозьба выкинуть (скетч+все библиотеки по возможности маленькую инструкцию одним архивом) У меня шилд 2.2, как я понял спросом он не пользуется (видел только у кого то одного и теперь не могу найти). На шлейфе под экраном написано T32-1289 Очень по душе скетч от svyaz(#1451) и Олега ( #1184) Всем спасибо
  24. у меня на шлейфе под экраном написано T32-1289 это значит мне нужно прописывать ? UTFT myGLCD(ITDB32S, 38,39,40,41);
  25. arduino-0022-JarduinoPatch In file included from Jarduino_v1_1.pde:79: /writeAnything.h: In function 'int EEPROM_writeAnything(int, const T&)': writeAnything.h:3: error: expected initializer before '*' token writeAnything.h:6: error: 'p' was not declared in this scope /writeAnything.h: In function 'int EEPROM_readAnything(int, T&)': writeAnything.h:12: error: 'byte' was not declared in this scope writeAnything.h:12: error: 'p' was not declared in this scope writeAnything.h:12: error: expected primary-expression before ')' token writeAnything.h:12: error: expected primary-expression before 'void' Jarduino_v1_1.pde: At global scope: Jarduino_v1_1:92: error: 'ITDB02' does not name a type Jarduino_v1_1:93: error: 'ITDB02_Touch' does not name a type Jarduino_v1_1:125: error: 'OneWire' does not name a type Jarduino_v1_1:127: error: 'DallasTemperature' does not name a type Jarduino_v1_1:129: error: 'DeviceAddress' does not name a type Jarduino_v1_1:130: error: 'DeviceAddress' does not name a type Jarduino_v1_1:131: error: 'DeviceAddress' does not name a type Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void SaveRTC()': Jarduino_v1_1:663: error: 'RTC' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:664: error: 'DS1307_SEC' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:665: error: 'DS1307_MIN' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:666: error: 'DS1307_HR' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:668: error: 'DS1307_DATE' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:669: error: 'DS1307_MTH' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:670: error: 'DS1307_YR' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void TimeDateBar(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:692: error: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'const char*' Jarduino_v1_1:692: error: initializing argument 1 of 'String& String::operator=(const char*)' Jarduino_v1_1:694: error: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'const char*' Jarduino_v1_1:694: error: initializing argument 1 of 'String& String::operator=(const char*)' Jarduino_v1_1:711: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:738: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void checkTempC()': Jarduino_v1_1:924: error: 'sensors' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:926: error: 'waterThermometer' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:927: error: 'hoodThermometer' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:928: error: 'sumpThermometer' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void clearScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:1068: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void printButton(char*, int, int, int, int, boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:1078: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void printLedChangerP(char*, int, int, int, int, boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:1104: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void printLedChangerM(char*, int, int, int, int, boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:1131: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void printHeader(char*)': Jarduino_v1_1:1156: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1158: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void setFont(boolean, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte)': Jarduino_v1_1:1164: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void waitForIt(int, int, int, int)': Jarduino_v1_1:1175: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1177: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void waitForItSq(int, int, int, int)': Jarduino_v1_1:1187: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1189: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void drawBarGraph()': Jarduino_v1_1:1212: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void drawBarandColorValue()': Jarduino_v1_1:1246: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void ledChangerGadget()': Jarduino_v1_1:1267: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void TimeSaver(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:1314: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1327: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1355: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void screenSaver()': Jarduino_v1_1:1371: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1376: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void genSetSelect()': Jarduino_v1_1:1389: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1399: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1409: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1419: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1429: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1443: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1457: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1467: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1477: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1487: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1496: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void feedingTimeOnOff()': Jarduino_v1_1:1509: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1514: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1519: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1524: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1529: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1534: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1539: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1544: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1549: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void mainScreen(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:1567: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1575: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1603: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1621: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1639: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1657: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1675: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1693: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1711: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1724: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void screenReturn()': Jarduino_v1_1:1797: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void menuScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:1821: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void clockScreen(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:1848: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1878: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void timeChange()': Jarduino_v1_1:1915: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void timeCorrectFormat()': Jarduino_v1_1:1931: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void tempScreen(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:1991: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2008: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2020: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2020: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void ledTestOptionsScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2032: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void testArrayScreen(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:2049: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2066: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2079: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2089: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2104: error: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'const char*' Jarduino_v1_1:2104: error: initializing argument 1 of 'String& String::operator=(const char*)' Jarduino_v1_1:2105: error: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'const char*' Jarduino_v1_1:2105: error: initializing argument 1 of 'String& String::operator=(const char*)' Jarduino_v1_1:2106: error: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'const char*' Jarduino_v1_1:2106: error: initializing argument 1 of 'String& String::operator=(const char*)' Jarduino_v1_1:2110: error: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'const char*' Jarduino_v1_1:2110: error: initializing argument 1 of 'String& String::operator=(const char*)' Jarduino_v1_1:2113: error: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'const char*' Jarduino_v1_1:2113: error: initializing argument 1 of 'String& String::operator=(const char*)' Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void testIndLedScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2181: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void ledColorViewScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2264: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void ledValuesScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2353: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2353: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2374: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2386: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void ledChangeScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2412: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void WaveMakerButtons()': Jarduino_v1_1:2439: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void WaveMakerScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2455: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2462: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void viewWaveTimes()': Jarduino_v1_1:2471: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void WaveMakerStatusScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2486: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2494: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2511: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2536: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2574: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2605: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2620: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void WaveMakerSettingsScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2658: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2683: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void synchronousSynch()': Jarduino_v1_1:2707: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2721: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2739: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2759: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void viewWaveTimesPage()': Jarduino_v1_1:2775: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2777: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2780: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2782: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2784: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2786: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2788: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2790: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2792: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2795: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2797: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2799: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2801: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2803: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void waveModePlusMinus()': Jarduino_v1_1:2824: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2825: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2826: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2828: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2839: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2846: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2847: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2849: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2859: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2869: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2870: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2871: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2873: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2884: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2891: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2892: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2894: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2904: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void generalSettingsScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2916: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void autoFeederScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2942: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void feedingTimeOutput()': Jarduino_v1_1:3076: error: 'RTC' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3094: error: 'RTC' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3112: error: 'RTC' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3130: error: 'RTC' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void setFeederTimesScreen(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:3158: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void AboutScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:3189: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3189: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void processMyTouch()': Jarduino_v1_1:3215: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3752: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3755: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3756: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3757: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3763: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3792: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3797: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3800: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3801: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3802: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3808: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3937: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3937: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3948: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3948: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3995: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4024: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4036: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4120: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4288: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void setup()': Jarduino_v1_1:4449: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4449: error: 'LANDSCAPE' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4452: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4453: error: 'PREC_MEDIUM' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4455: error: 'sensors' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4457: error: 'waterThermometer' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4458: error: 'hoodThermometer' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4459: error: 'sumpThermometer' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4464: error: 'RTC' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void loop()': Jarduino_v1_1:4477: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4480: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4504: error: 'RTC' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1 Jarduino_v1_1.pde:41:27: error: writeAnything.h: No such file or directory Jarduino_v1_1.pde:45:242: error: Pump.h: No such file or directory Jarduino_v1_1.pde:46:28: error: EEPROMAnything.h: No such file or directory Jarduino_v1_1:61: error: 'ITDB02tf' does not name a type Jarduino_v1_1:63: error: 'ITDB02_Touch' does not name a type Jarduino_v1_1:197: error: 'OneWire' does not name a type Jarduino_v1_1:199: error: 'DallasTemperature' does not name a type Jarduino_v1_1:201: error: 'DeviceAddress' does not name a type Jarduino_v1_1:202: error: 'DeviceAddress' does not name a type Jarduino_v1_1:203: error: 'DeviceAddress' does not name a type Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void SaveMoonLEDToEEPROM()': Jarduino_v1_1:644: error: 'EEPROM_writeAnything' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void SaveWaveToEEPROM()': Jarduino_v1_1:657: error: 'EEPROM_writeAnything' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void SaveTempToEEPROM()': Jarduino_v1_1:666: error: 'EEPROM_writeAnything' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void SaveGenSetsToEEPROM()': Jarduino_v1_1:674: error: 'EEPROM_writeAnything' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void SaveFeedTimesToEEPROM()': Jarduino_v1_1:689: error: 'EEPROM_writeAnything' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void SaveTimerToEEPROM()': Jarduino_v1_1:708: error: 'EEPROM_writeAnything' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void ReadFromEEPROM()': Jarduino_v1_1:722: error: 'EEPROM_readAnything' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void ReadWeatherEEPROM()': Jarduino_v1_1:786: error: 'EEPROM_readAnything' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void SaveRTC()': Jarduino_v1_1:801: error: 'RTC' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:802: error: 'DS1307_SEC' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:803: error: 'DS1307_MIN' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:804: error: 'DS1307_HR' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:807: error: 'DS1307_DATE' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:808: error: 'DS1307_MTH' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:809: error: 'DS1307_YR' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void SaveWeatherEEPROM()': Jarduino_v1_1:827: error: 'EEPROM_writeAnything' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void TimeDateBar(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:838: error: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'const char*' Jarduino_v1_1:838: error: initializing argument 1 of 'String& String::operator=(const char*)' Jarduino_v1_1:840: error: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'const char*' Jarduino_v1_1:840: error: initializing argument 1 of 'String& String::operator=(const char*)' Jarduino_v1_1:849: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:879: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void checkTempC()': Jarduino_v1_1:1012: error: 'sensors' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1014: error: 'waterThermometer' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1015: error: 'hoodThermometer' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1016: error: 'sumpThermometer' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void clearScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:1125: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void printButton(char*, int, int, int, int, boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:1131: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void printLedChangerP(char*, int, int, int, int, boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:1148: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void printLedChangerM(char*, int, int, int, int, boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:1164: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void drawUpButton(int, int)': Jarduino_v1_1:1179: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void drawDownButton(int, int)': Jarduino_v1_1:1187: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void printButtonWth(char*, int, int, int, int, boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:1197: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void printHeader(char*)': Jarduino_v1_1:1209: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1211: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void setFont(boolean, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte)': Jarduino_v1_1:1214: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void waitForIt(int, int, int, int)': Jarduino_v1_1:1220: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1222: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void waitForItSq(int, int, int, int)': Jarduino_v1_1:1227: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1229: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void drawBarGraph()': Jarduino_v1_1:1239: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void drawBarandColorValue()': Jarduino_v1_1:1270: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void ledChangerGadget()': Jarduino_v1_1:1288: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void TimeSaver(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:1323: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1337: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1367: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void screenSaver()': Jarduino_v1_1:1397: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1398: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void genSetSelect()': Jarduino_v1_1:1404: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1413: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1423: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1432: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1442: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1455: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1469: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1478: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1488: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1497: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1506: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void feedingTimeOnOff()': Jarduino_v1_1:1515: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1520: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1525: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1530: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1535: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1540: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1545: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1550: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1554: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void mainScreen(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:1566: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1574: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1627: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1641: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1655: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1669: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1683: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1699: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1714: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1726: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void screenReturn()': Jarduino_v1_1:1783: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void menuScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:1796: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void clockScreen(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:1822: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1852: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void timeChange()': Jarduino_v1_1:1892: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void timeCorrectFormat()': Jarduino_v1_1:1908: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void tempScreen(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:1958: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1980: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1992: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:1992: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void ledTestOptionsScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2002: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void testArrayScreen(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:2015: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2029: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2046: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2053: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2063: error: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'const char*' Jarduino_v1_1:2063: error: initializing argument 1 of 'String& String::operator=(const char*)' Jarduino_v1_1:2064: error: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'const char*' Jarduino_v1_1:2064: error: initializing argument 1 of 'String& String::operator=(const char*)' Jarduino_v1_1:2071: error: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'const char*' Jarduino_v1_1:2071: error: initializing argument 1 of 'String& String::operator=(const char*)' Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void testIndLedScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2126: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void ledColorViewScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2205: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void ledValuesScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2256: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2256: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2277: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2286: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void ledChangeScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2303: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void WaveMakerButtons()': Jarduino_v1_1:2324: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void WaveMakerScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2339: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2346: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void viewWaveTimes()': Jarduino_v1_1:2353: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void WaveMakerStatusScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2366: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2374: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2391: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2413: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2443: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2468: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2480: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void WaveMakerSettingsScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2501: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2525: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void synchronousSynch()': Jarduino_v1_1:2544: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2557: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2574: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2593: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void viewWaveTimesPage()': Jarduino_v1_1:2606: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2608: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2611: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2613: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2615: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2617: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2619: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2621: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2623: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2626: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2628: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2630: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2632: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2634: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void waveModePlusMinus()': Jarduino_v1_1:2650: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2651: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2652: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2654: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2663: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2668: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2669: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2671: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2679: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2684: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2685: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2686: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2688: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2696: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2700: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2701: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2703: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2710: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void generalSettingsScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2717: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void autoFeederScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2739: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void feedingTimeOutput()': Jarduino_v1_1:2867: error: 'RTC' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2882: error: 'RTC' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2894: error: 'RTC' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:2906: error: 'RTC' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void setFeederTimesScreen(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:2923: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void timerScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2966: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void graficoScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:2993: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void tempgScreen(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:3003: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3110: error: 'file' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3110: error: 'O_READ' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void orpScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:3132: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void phScreen()': Jarduino_v1_1:3233: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void wthScreen(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:3345: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3408: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3410: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void timer1Screen(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:3492: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void timer2Screen(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:3590: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void timer3Screen(boolean)': Jarduino_v1_1:3631: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void dozer1Screen()': Jarduino_v1_1:3682: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void dozer2Screen()': Jarduino_v1_1:3749: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void dozer3Screen()': Jarduino_v1_1:3816: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void dozer4Screen()': Jarduino_v1_1:3883: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void logtempgraf()': Jarduino_v1_1:3949: error: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'const char*' Jarduino_v1_1:3949: error: initializing argument 1 of 'String& String::operator=(const char*)' Jarduino_v1_1:3950: error: 'file' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3950: error: 'O_CREAT' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3950: error: 'O_APPEND' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3950: error: 'O_WRITE' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void logparametros()': Jarduino_v1_1:3964: error: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'const char*' Jarduino_v1_1:3964: error: initializing argument 1 of 'String& String::operator=(const char*)' Jarduino_v1_1:3965: error: 'file' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3965: error: 'O_CREAT' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3965: error: 'O_APPEND' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:3965: error: 'O_WRITE' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void processMyTouch()': Jarduino_v1_1:4074: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4405: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4408: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4409: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4410: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4416: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4440: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4445: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4448: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4449: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4450: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4456: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4517: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4521: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4529: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4533: error: 'CENTER' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4554: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4576: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4582: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4625: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4696: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void setup()': Jarduino_v1_1:4927: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4927: error: 'LANDSCAPE' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4930: error: 'file' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4932: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4933: error: 'PREC_MEDIUM' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4935: error: 'sensors' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4937: error: 'waterThermometer' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4938: error: 'hoodThermometer' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4939: error: 'sumpThermometer' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4944: error: 'RTC' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1.pde: In function 'void loop()': Jarduino_v1_1:4954: error: 'myTouch' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4957: error: 'myGLCD' was not declared in this scope Jarduino_v1_1:4969: error: 'RTC' was not declared in this scope Новый точечный рисунок.bmp Новый точечный рисунок (2).bmp
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