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МОРСКОЙ АКВАРИУМ - форум Аква Лого

Амадины Амадины - птички из отряда воробьинообразных, семейства ткачиковых. Амадины живут в жарких странах большими группами, занимая часто ту же экологическую нишу, что и привычные нам воробьи. В комнатных условиях чаще всего содержат зебровых амадин, японских амадин, рисовок (рисовых амадин), амадин гульда. Зебровые амадины – самые неприхотливые из амадин, а амадины гульда – самые яркие и красочные. Японские амадины выведены искусственно путём скрещивания нескольких видов амадин.

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необходимо сильное освещение -

"With sufficient lighting zooxanthellae can indeed provide all that a tridacnid needs."


но не только оно - "Still, it is important to note that this does not mean that tridacnids only need bright light in order to live. As stated above, they require nitrogen, phosphorus, etc., as well, which are not provided by their population of zooxanthellae. This is why tridacnids either have to eat some type of nutritious planktonic/particulate food by filtering it from the surrounding waters and/or absorb nutrients directly from the surrounding waters and/or digest some of their own population of zooxanthellae, which are their other three means of nutrient acquisition."


если в акве есть рыба, то дополнительно тридакн ни чем подкармливать не надо - "If there are enough fishes in an aquarium, providing them with food will also cover the needs of any tridacnids present."


миф - то, что маленьким тридакнам необходима обязательная подкормка по мимо освещения, на самом деле они полностью идентичны взрослым - "For several years I've heard that any tridacnids under about 3" in length must be fed regularly or they'll starve to death. The supposed twist here is that mature tridacnids can get all the C/E they need from their zooxanthellae, but immature clams cannot do so because they don't yet harbor enough zooxanthellae in their mantles." - "The fact is, small tridacnids, just a few weeks old, have all the zooxanthellae they need in order to thrive, and this population keeps up just fine as a clam grows, too."


тридакны периодически избавляются от избытка зооксантелл, и это не показатель их плохого самочувствия - "the zooxanthellae living within a tridacnid are constantly multiplying, and some are actually ejected from the host alive when numbers get too high. This healthy tridacnid is getting rid of excess zooxanthellae, which typically looks like a rope of reddish-brown goop coming out of their body. This rope is actually made of live zooxanthellae and mucus, and is not an indication of trouble."

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