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Team RC Member (Posts: 11,451):


" I took the previous 8 nitrate test kits and tested them with 2 Hach Nitrate Nitrogen Standard Solutions.


The first solution is 1,00 +/- 0,01 mg/l as N or 4,43 +/- 0,04 mg/l as NO3 so each kit should read between 4 and 5 ppm.


LaMotte = 4

Salifert = 5

API = 5-10

Seachem = 3-5

Elos = 3-5

Tropic Marin = 5

Red Sea = 2.5

Sera = 2-4


All in all, most performed well at these low levels.


The second solution is 10,0 +/- 0,1 mg/l as N or 44,3 +/- 0,4 mg/l as NO3 so each kit should read this around 44 to 45 ppm


LaMotte = 44 (this is the highest reading but it was right on the money)

Salifert = 25 - 50 (tough to distinguish the color chart at this level)

API = 40

Seachem = 30 - 50 (tough to distinguish the color chart at this level)

Elos = over 25 (this is the highest this kit registers)

Tropic Marin = 30 - 50 (tough to read the color chart at this level)

Red Sea = 25 - 50 (not much color difference between these two)

Sera = 20 (this kit seems to read low although, in fairness, the kit is getting close to its exp date. It may just be expired. I do like the color chart on this kit. Easy to read.


In Summary, most hobby grade nitrate kits seem to perform well enough at low levels. Only a couple seem to perform well at higher levels. API and Tropic Marin. The all around winner for me accuracy, ease of use and readability is most definitely the LaMotte. In my opinion, it is worth the initial up front cost. "




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